Reduce Fat Instantly With The Best Green Tea For Weight Loss
- Vipin Kumar
- May 11, 2022
- Drink
Want to shed those extra kilos you gained during snacking and work from home? Here is the ultimate tip to lose weight while staying healthy. Try the best green tea for weight loss and notice the results within weeks.
Reports suggest that regular consumption of green tea daily helps increase metabolism and controls the urge to snack. However, this may seem pretty simple but developing a habit of consuming the best green tea for weight loss certainly shows its results within a month. Once your appetite is controlled and you are focused on your diet, you can quickly get rid of the stubborn belly fat.
We understand that having a busy schedule does not provide a certain time gap for doing exercise or going to the gym. Also, dieting can be difficult when you spend most of your time at the office, college or workplace. Switching to the best green tea for weight loss can be your most accessible option. Let us discuss the right way to consume green tea and how to find the best green tea for weight loss.
What Is The Right Way To Consume Green Tea For Maximum Results?
We understand that green tea is good for health and promotes a healthy weight, but it is essential to consume everything in the right way. To maximise the results of the best green tea for weight loss, follow these measures and kick start your healthy routine.
- Do not consume green tea on an empty stomach, as it can cause gastric issues and irritate the working of the liver. Try to drink green tea whenever you are hungry or between meals.
- Consider counting the cup of green tea you are consuming. Green tea shows the best results when you drink it at its limit. Two to three cups a day is the right way to drink the best green tea for weight loss.
- Green tea is not a fluid that must be consumed before going to bed, and it consists of caffeine and affects your sleep cycle.
- Green tea shows its results if you pair it with a bit of exercise. Try to find half an hour for dedicated exercises. If you cannot do this, just focus on rope skipping for at least 10 to 15 minutes, as it would also promote weight loss.
Best Weight Loss Green Tea To Try In 2022
We have listed the best weight loss green teas that are readily available in the market and guarantee easy fat loss. You can buy the best green tea for weight loss online or in the store near you.
1- Organic India Tulsi Green Tea
Organic India is one of the leading brands that produce 100% natural products and its green tea is a must-have if you are looking for easy fat burn. Some expected benefits from green tea are –
- It reduces any mental and emotional stress
- It helps boost stamina and metabolism
- Ease the experience of doing exercise
- Best drink if you are feeling low or have a mild headache.
2- Himalaya Wellness Green Tea
Himalaya is a well-known brand in India known for its high-quality products and reasonable rates. The brand has its best green tea for weight loss. Talking about the benefits, you may expect –
- Better immunity
- Enhances instant weight loss
- Known to improve digestion
- Helps in controlling blood pressure
3- Lipton Honey Lemon Green Tea
There is no way that you haven’t heard about Lipton Green tea. The brand is specifically based on the best green tea for weight loss. Lipton provides different flavours in its green teas and has different health benefits along with weight loss,
- Controls any chance of heart diseases
- Great for skin and hair
- Treats cough and cold
- Help in relaxing the mind and body
4- Assam Green Adventure Tea
Assam is known to cultivate some of the best quality tea leaves. Switching to Assam Adventures as the best green tea for weight loss can help you rejuvenate the body. This green tea is known for its amora and farm-fresh guarantee. Coming to the benefits, you may find,
- Refreshing and rejuvenating
- Good for oral hygiene
- Promotes better immunity
- Helps fight diabetes and control sugar level
- Regulates the blood pressure
5- Typhoo Lemongrass Green Tea Bag
Typhoo is a UK-based brand, but it has been known as the best green tea for weight loss for a couple of years. This green tea also comes in different fragrances and flavours. It is known for its mind relaxing benefits, and you can start drinking this tea for easy weight loss.
- It is great to uplift the mood
- Fight infections
- Has anti-anxiety benefits
- Controls cholesterol
- Prevent bloating and fat accumulation
Green tea is a fat burner and has a simple aromatic taste. To enhance the results of the best green tea for weight loss, do not consume it with sugar and milk. Infuse the tea leaves for a minute or two in water and drink it as a light brew daily.