How To Listen To Your Body? 5 Warning Signs To Consider
- Vipin Kumar
- February 13, 2024
- Health
In our hustle-bustle of life, we often overlook the signals that our body sends us from time to time. We prioritise our work, social obligations, and technology and often ignore taking proper rest. However, paying attention to your body is important for maintaining good health and preventing potential health problems. For this, learning to listen to your body is another essential aspect everyone should know, especially the warning signs given by your body. If you can not determine what your body indicates, we will help you. Understand your body’s messages and recognise warning signs that you should not ignore.
1. You Feel Tired Too Soon
If you didn’t change anything in your routine and you’re feeling tired in the middle of the day, it isn’t about you lacking sleep.
According to the experts from UCLA, you are likely hungry or thirsty. Another thing that it indicates is the lack of nutrients in your body. Not consuming the required amount of vitamins and minerals may result in a weak body, and you will be exhausted before the time.
What to do -Drink more water and fresh juice (once a day), and eat healthy snacks such as dates between meals.
2. You’re Excessively Sore
Whether you have done excess physical work or get injured, these are two warning signs from the body when your body demands rest.
What to do- Simply listen to your body. If it asks for rest, then take a day break from hectic workouts and all other tasks to recharge your body. Another thing that can fix soreness is morning stretching.
3. Food Cravings
Who doesn’t love food? People often crave delicious food, and it is often said that gives your body what it desires. But it is important to know the difference between the emotional and physical needs to eat food.
What to do – If your stomach is growling and you are ready to eat anything, then you might be hungry. If you want something specific, it is definitely craving, which especially happens to girls before, during, and after their menstrual cycle.
Eat a healthy meal if you are hungry, and eat snacks or fruits if it is just a craving.
4. Your Muscles are Cramping
Cramping directly indicates that your body is dehydrated, lacks electrolytes and glucose, or needs to be stretched before or after a workout. If it is so, listen to your body and give it the right treatment.
What to do- First, drink plenty of water throughout the day. Second, follow your workout; hydrate yourself and warm up before the workout.
5. You Lack Focus
You slept properly and ate well but still lacked concentration. Why? Is it about tiredness, weakness, or any other warning sign your body is giving? Well, it might be about your mental health, which is often buried under the burden. An unfocused mind and lack of concentration are warning signs and are things when you must listen to your body.
What to do- Mental health can be affected by several reasons, and it is important to understand the cause to address the concern. First, figure out what is disturbing you. Are you around a toxic environment or fed up with a stereotyped life? Once you know the reason behind your unfocused mind, opt for the solution, such as meditation or yoga, and prioritise self-care.
While experiencing this, drink a glass of water or take a short break from your work.
6. Your Neck, Back, and Shoulders Gets Stiff
If your back, neck, and shoulders hurt after a long day sitting on the chair, it means your posture is not good, and a sore body is one of the warning signs. Many people often experience this but ignore the pain, thinking it is due to a long time sitting that creates chronic pain. Therefore, listen to your body at the right time is more important for the healthier you.
What to do- First, change the chair if it is not comfortable. Second, take short breaks and move your shoulders, neck & back. Take a short walk, if possible, to let go of the tension.
7. Disturbed Sleep
A person needs 7-8 hours of sound sleep in a day to stay active and productive. If you’re feeling a lack of sleep or you awake at night suddenly, you may be dealing with mental health issues, such as stress, depression, or anxiety.
What to do– Sometimes, you may not know the reason for mental illness, but some mental health-boosting activities, such as morning walks, light exercises, meditation, yoga, and breathing exercises, can help reduce the symptoms. For better results, consult with the doctor.
Listening to your body is an art, a lifelong learning process that requires self-awareness more than practice. Regular check-ins, a healthy lifestyle, and attention to the body’s warning signs are crucial for overall well-being. Always remember your body communicates with you constantly and indicates what you feel. You only need to understand and listen to your body and heed its message. A proactive step towards the warning signs from your body keeps you active, fit, and healthy.