Quick Parenting Tips: 5 Serious Long-term Effects of Yelling at Your Kids
Parenting is undoubtedly the most precious thing that everybody wants to experience. And we all want to give what’s best for our kids. Therefore, most parents face parenting problems. And as a parent, you must know that sometimes it becomes so unmanageable that the sentiments get the best of you. However, children can really hit those buttons hard that you didn’t know you had. And the situation gets out of control, before you actually know it.
So parents, raise your hand if you’ve ever shouted at your kids (yes! This is a private conversation nobody is cloning here). After you’ve made millions of requests to “please stop going outside or beating your sister,” it’s easy to lose your temper. And, you’re not alone to yell at kids. This parental frustration is normal after all, we all are human. It’s common to yell at your kids, especially if they aren’t obeying or misbehaving. But the way you handle your kids and express your concern can have a long-term impact on their mental health and personality development as well.
In fact, nowadays, when most kids are growing up with high-end technology, harsh parenting measures, including yelling at kids, can impact kids more than ever before. But the good news is — it’s easy to evaporate your frustration in seconds with these quick parenting tips. Now, you can change everything, from the way you interact with your kids to how you request and convince them for their goods. It is simple psychology that helps you cool down and switch from a yelling threat to a respectful request. Keep reading to know what happens when you keep yelling at your kids and how it damages them.
1. It makes their behaviour problems worse
Yelling at your kids may stop them misbehaving at that moment, but it won’t prevent them from misbehaving in the future. According to some research, it can actually make the situation worse and may have long-run issues. Yelling at your kids makes the behaviour problems worse. Which means, you will have to yell more overtime and it will continue.
2. It may interrupt their mental growth
Yelling and other harsh parenting techniques can change your child’s behaviors for short-term, but eventually it will affect your child’s brain development. Actually, the human mind tends to process negative information & events faster than positive ones. A team compared MRI scans of people who faced parental abuse in childhood with those who didn’t. They found major structuring differences in the parts of the brain that affect sound & languages. Which means that harsh parenting interrupts the mind growth.
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3. It can lead to mental stress & depression
Do you know what happens to your kids when you yell at them? Other than children feeling hurt, scared, or angry, verbal abuse and other harsh parenting techniques have the potential to seed notable psychological issues that result in depression and aggressiveness. In the study that constantly monitored changing behaviour problems in 13-years old, who witnessed parenting abuse, researchers were shocked to find depressive symptoms at such a young age. These symptoms can also lead to develop self-destructive actions, as suicide, drug or self-harming sexual activities.
4. It has serious effect on physical health
In addition to affecting mental health, yelling at your kids can increase the risk of certain health problems. The incidents we experience while growing up shape us in various ways, some of which we don’t even realize. So, harsh parenting results in depression & stress which can increase the risk of certain life threatening health problems as a teenager. Studies suggest that experiencing verbal parenting abuse as a child can have long-term effects on your kids and can impact physical health as well.
5. It affects personality development
Yelling has the most profound impact on the personality development of your kids. Harsh parenting or childhood abuse is the biggest factor that determines the psychological and social development of a kid. And our mind responds to negative information & incidents faster than positive ones, children capture an image of whatever affects their mind and interrupts mental growth. The most positive thing is playing with your kids, helping them in learning and engaging in some other child development activities such as having deep meaningful conversations. But most parents lose their temper due to a hectic lifestyle and end up having arrogant kids in the very future. Sometimes helicopter parenting also affects your child’s development as it makes children fully dependent on their parents so they fail to deal with difficult situations.
This is how yelling at your kids results in their demise. In addition to affecting your child’s mental & physical growth, harsh parenting can interrupt their development or may shape them in a different way. However, we all are made of our experience and our future depends on whatever we do experience in our childhood. So, either become a good parent or a bad parent, it’s all up to you.
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