Health Benefits of Low Carb Diet [7 low Carb Foods]
- Shubham Goyal
- June 10, 2021
- Food
After the Keto, Vegan, and Atkins Diet, Low carb diet is another popular diet for weight loss, but the benefits of consuming a low-carb diet aren’t restricted to that. In this post, we’ll tell you the benefits of consuming low carb foods that will make you switch to it right away.
Here are the five most powerful benefits of a low-carb diet, a list of low carb foods to add to your regular diet, and other necessary information that you should know about low carb foods and diet.
5 Wonderful Things Happen to Your Body When You Consume Low Carb Foods
Low carb foods bring several benefits. Here are some significant benefits of consuming low carb foods.
1. It Burns Your Fat
Low carb foods removes excess and impure water from the body and lowers insulin levels, leading to rapid weight loss. Studies suggested that people on a low-carb diet lose more and faster weight compared to a low-fat diet. If you want to reduce your weight, Watermelon, Broccoli and Strawberries are a few low carb foods for weight loss.
2. It Reduces Your Appetite
Appetite is the primary reason for weight gain, and eating low-carb foods reduces the appetite automatically as they are loaded with protein and fat. Consequently, people eating proteins end up eating fewer calories.
3. It drop Triglycerides
Triglycerides are the types of fat molecules found in the blood. A higher Triglyceride level could block the blood flow towards the heart, leading to heart disease risk factors such as cardiac arrest. If you eat Low carb foods, it can effectively maintain your triglycerides level.
4. It Improves Mental Well-being
When you consume low-carb fruits or other foods, there are more chances to develop a good mood and fewer chances of developing risks of chronic disease and eventually leads to mental well-being. So try to add more low carbs food to your diet if you want to live a healthy life.
5. It HDL Cholesterol Level Increase
Not all cholesterol is bad for your body. Low carb foods, such as fish, nuts, green leafy vegetables, etc are good sources of healthy fats that help to increase your HDL cholesterol levels. HDL is a good ‘Good’ cholesterol that is required in the body to remove the ‘Bad’ (LDL) cholesterol. So when you follow a low carb diet, you take a step closer to a healthy diet.
Low Carb Foods That You Should Add to Your Diet
The list of low carb foods is long, here is a list of major low carb foods that you can add to your diet to maximise the benefits.
You can add beef, pork, lamb, game, poultry, etc to your diet in the name of low carb foods. Feel free to eat meat as well as the skin on the chicken.
Fish and Seafood
Fatty fish such as salmon, mackerel, sardines, or herring are great in low carb and have various health benefits due to the presence of omega-3 fatty acids.
When it comes to low carb foods, eggs are the major source. You can add eggs to your diet in different ways such as boiled, fried, scrambled, omelets, etc. Also, you can choose pasture-raised eggs, if possible.
Some low carb foods such as cauliflower, broccoli, cabbage, kale, brussels sprouts, spinach, eggplant, olive, mushrooms, cucumber, onions, avocado, and many other vegetables are low in carbs and can be enjoyed at all levels of carbs restrictions.
Natural fats and high-fat Sources
Using butter and cream for cooking can make your foods low carb and also enhance the taste. Also coconut fat or olive oil is an excellent option to include in your diet in any way.
Nuts are a great treat for you, instead of popcorn, candy, chips, etc. You can add cashew, pistachios, walnuts, etc. to your diet as your low carb foods.
Know more about surprising benefits of walnut
Dairy Products
Some dairy products such as butter, cream, sour cream, and high-fat cheese are delicious low carb foods that you can add to your diet to amplify the weight loss process. But, be careful of regular milk, skim milk, sugary, flavored, and low-fat products.
Once you start following a low-carb diet, you will start maintaining weight and following a healthy lifestyle. This simple guide will allow you to keep your diet balanced and health fit for years and decades to come. Hopefully, you will consider it to follow a healthy lifestyle.
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