Nattokinase Benefits: Uses, Dosages, and Prevention
Nattokinase Supplement: A single dose of Nattokinase benefits cardiovascular diseases including heart disease, high blood pressure, chest pain, stroke, high cholesterol, deep vein thrombosis (DVT), hemorrhoids, atherosclerosis (hardening of the arteries), varicose veins, poor blood circulation and peripheral artery disease (PAD). That means Nattokinase has several health benefits. Check the complete Nattokinase overview here.
Nattokinase is an enzyme (a type of protein) that promotes heart and blood health. Studies show that Nattokinase dissolves blood clots, which helps maintain good blood vessels structure, improves blood flow, and lowers heart disease. It can be extracted from ‘Natto,’ a famous Japanese food made from fermented soybeans. But if you don’t find Natto or any other Nattokinase food, you can take Nattokinase supplements for Nattokinase benefits. But the consumption of this supplement should be done moderately for maximum Nattokinase health benefits and ignoring the side effects.
Do you want to know Nattokinase benefits and side effects, its uses, dosage, and prevention? This post is completely dedicated to the Nattokinase supplement. If you have been struggling with Nattozyme benefits and other details, roll your eyes at the details explained below, all about Nattokinase.
Benefits of Nattokinase Supplements
Nattokinase has powerful effects on your health, varying from heart, sinus to improving gut health and metabolism. While you can extract several Nattokinase benefits from Natto such as Proteins, Vitamins, and Minerals that help you in the following way, Nattokinase supplements also benefit in various ways. Read the post till the end as we’ll also discuss other important factors like possible Nattokinase side-effects.
Lower Heart Disease Risk
One of the significant Nattokianse benefits is it dissolves blood clots that nourish blood vessels, improves blood flow that ultimately promotes heart health. A healthy heart is less prone to heart risks like cardiac arrest. Moderate Nattokinase uses also benefits in lowering the blood pressure that lowers the risk of a heart attack.
Improve Sinus Health
Chronic sinusitis is the most common disease in adults, caused by allergies, bacteria, fungal infection, or asthma. Nattokinase benefits chronic sinusitis by shrinking the blockage nasal polyps and thin mucus, allowing air to flow easily while reducing discomfort.
Promotes Neauroprotection
You must have heard – What’s Good For Your Heart is Good For Your Brain. Healthy blood circulation and improved blood flow can protect your brain alongside the heart. It also tends that Nattokinase benefits in dissolving amyloid fibrils implicate Alzheimer’s disease. To know the Nattokinase dosage, keep reading.
Improve Gut Health and Metabolism
Boosting the immune system is one of the benefits of Nattokinase supplements. Nattokinase benefits in balancing the bacteria of the gut, aka microbiome. Poor gut health weakens the immune system and increases the risk of chronic diseases such as severe heart problems, blood pressure, diabetes, obesity, cancer, etc.
Nattokinase properties also involve boosting metabolism and reducing body fat. If you know proper Nattokinase uses, you are more likely to prevent obesity and diabetes.
Prevent Atherosclerosis
Atherosclerosis, also referred to as hardening of the arteries, occurs when plaque builds in the blood vessels. In this situation, the arteries get harder which restricts the blood and leads to blood clots that later result in attack or stroke. It may begin from childhood and get worse until a person reaches adulthood. Nattokinase benefits in the reduction of artery plaque and increases the level of good cholesterol that is HDL.
It’s the right time to know Nattokinase side effects and how much you should consume it.
Nattokinase Side-effects
Nattokinase is the natural component of soy food. If you’re consuming Natto, it is likely to be safe as it has been consumed in Japan in routine for centuries.
Nattokinase supplement is also safe to use when taken orally. Consuming Nattokinase for at least six months seems to be safe.
Note: Every Supplement should be consumed after the expert’s advice. Make sure you’re not allergic to Nattokinase or having any health issues before taking it. A doctor’s consultation is a must.
Nattokinase Dosage
Nattokinase dosage basically depends on the health conditions and requirements. There are universal guidelines for the appropriate Nattokinase uses. The doses are indicated in the Fibrin Units (FU). Doses up to 3000 FU (roughly 150 mg) have been recommended as safe for up to 26 weeks. Else, consultation with a health practitioner is always recommended.
You can consume Nattokinase or add Natto to your diet in order to leverage Nattokinase benefits.
Nattokinase Prevention
If you want to make the most of Nattokinase health benefits, you should keep prevention in mind while consuming Nattokinase. These are the special precautions and warnings-
- Bleeding Disorder- Nattokinase acts as a blood thinner. High consumption of Nattokinase might worsen the bleeding disorder. Consult with a doctor before consuming in this case.
- Blood Pressure- Nattokinase seems to lower the blood pressure. Those who already have low blood pressure problems should not consume this.
- Surgery- As discussed earlier, Nattokinase thins the blood, so there are more chances of bleeding during or after surgery. Stop the consumption of Nattokinase at least before two weeks of surgery.
- Pregnancy and Breastfeeding- It is yet unclear that taking Nattokinase in pregnancy or while breastfeeding is safe or not. So better avoid using it for safety reasons.
It is pretty clear from the above details that Nattokinase benefits in various severe health conditions. If you consume Nattokinase in a routine, it will directly affect your heart and blood health including overall well-being. This post, hopefully, helped you to meet natto benefits and side-effects along with uses, prevention, and doses. If you find this post helpful, do share it with your friends and family members, so that they get aware of actual Nattokinase benefits.
This post is meant to provide relevant information about Nattokinase supplement to our reader, not to replace your doctor or healthcare practitioner advice. There might be cases where these details might not match your doctor’s recommendation. Never fail to seek medical consultation from a professional healthcare provider before adding a new supplement to your diet.
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