Natural Remedies to Restore ph Balance
It is essential to maintain the optimum keep it healthy. The pH level of vagina is slightly acidic slightly acidic. Natural remedies to restore pH balance is one of the most important things to consider for this. This pH level can be affected by various natural and environmental factors. Symptoms include itching, burning, and change in discharge are the symptoms of unbalanced pH levels.
If you know about the pH scale and how it relates to your body, you can balance your Ph level by the following steps.
If you doubt that your pH is out of balance or has mild symptoms, you can use natural remedies to restore pH balance. If you have dark inner thigh, don’t worry about it.
Let’s explore the important natural remedies to restore pH balance.
The Natural ways to restore the pH balance
1- You can use boric acid
Over the 100 years, doctors have used boric acid to treat pH abnormalities, and it is affordable and easy to access. Use of boric acid is one of the best natural remedies to restore pH balance.
If you have mild symptoms, you can use boric acid before choosing antibiotics. Most doctors recommend using boric acid to balance vaginal pH levels. According to the research, boric acid has additional properties for treating vaginal infections.
2- Include more probiotics into your diet
Lactobacilli are also known as good bacteria, and are beneficial for the vagina. Moreover, it helps fight the infection, and these bacteria help keep your vaginal pH level balanced. Lactobacilli is one of the best natural remedies to restore pH balance.
A probiotic supplement is rich in lactobacilli. Lactobacilli occur naturally in fermented food.
You can take lactobacilli in several ways.
- Orally or you can add a probiotic supplement to your diet.
- Eat probiotic food, such as yoghurt and sauerkraut.
There are various symptoms of unbalanced pH levels.
3- Consume garlic tablets
Garlic has antioxidant properties, and it has an anti-bacterial compound called allicin. Healthcare professionals find that it is one of the best natural remedies to restore pH balance.
According to the research, 120 women stated that garlic tablets are effective as oral antibiotic tablets. It helps treat the symptoms of a vaginal yeast infection with fewer side effects.
Participants in the research take garlic tablets twice a day for seven days. They noted that garlic has a digestive side effect, and people have a bleeding concern after consuming garlic tablets.
4- Find a way to destress yourself
All the parts of the body are affected by stress, including the health of your vagina.
In 2018, a study highlighted the connection between stress and pH imbalance. Although we can not avoid stress, there are some ways to manage it and prevent stress hormones from negativity. Negativity affects your hormone and as well as vaginal pH levels, and there are different natural remedies to restore pH balance are available.
Let’s explore some activities that help to manage the vaginal pH level.
- Exercising
- Deep breathe
- Focus on a favourite activity.
- Listen to music.
5- Quit smoking
According to the research, pH abnormalities develop in those people who smoke.
As per the 2014 and 2018 reports, people who do not smoke have a larger portion of the lactobacilli in their vaginas than smokers. Lactobacilli is essential to balance the pH level, and it is one of the best natural remedies to restore pH balance.
If you smoke and want to quit smoking, some ways and medications or alternatives will help you quit smoking. You can also consult your doctor about your plan to quit smoking.
6- Clean your vagina
It is essential to self-clean your vaginal with fragrant cleaning products if you have BV or yeast infection symptoms. Most women prefer that it is one of the best natural remedies to restore pH balance.
According to the research, douching is connected with BV. To avoid douching, you can prevent the vagina from using fragrant washes, scented tampons, or sanitary pads, and these products unbalance your vaginal pH level.
7- Pay attention to your garments
Your undergarments, especially your underwear will affect the pH level of the vagina in different ways. If you want to keep your vagina healthy, you need to consider different natural remedies to restore pH balance.
- Always wear underwear that’s made from breathable, natural fabric like cotton.
- Always wash your underwear with hypoallergenic detergent.
8- Use protection during sex
According to the studies in 2011, extreme exposure to semen has a side effect on the vagina, increasing the risk of BV.
If you use protection like a condom during sex, it helps to reduce Siemens’s effect on the vagina.
You can use finger cots during sex to prevent the vagina from other bacteria. It is one of the best natural remedies to restore pH balance.
You can find these barriers methods in local pharmacy stores or online.
9- Visit your gynaecologist
Visiting the gynaecologist is the best way to address the medical condition, whether related to the vagina. Scheduling an appointment means if you have questions regarding the vagina, you can freely ask from your gynaecologist.
If you need another form 0f medical attention, they can prescribe the right medicines.
10- Stay healthy
If you are suffering from a yeast infection, avoiding wearing the clothes for too long is the best way. Instead of using harsh soap or fragrant washes, you can use warm water to clean the vagina. You can find some natural remedies to restore pH balance and stay healthy.
Keeping vagina pH levels balanced, you need to find the best natural remedies to restore pH balance. There are various symptoms of unbalanced pH levels, and natural remedies help to reduce the infection and prevent complications. If you think that there are worse symptoms, you can consult with your gynaecologist.