Protein Shake Side Effects, Types, and Benefits
- Shubham Goyal
- June 11, 2020
- Drink
The proteins are collections of amino acids that form the basis of all life. Therefore, in this post, we will talk about Protein Shake Side Effects, Types, and Health Benefits.
The human body consists of around 100 trillion cells each cell contains thousands of different proteins, and the proteins are like tiny machines inside the cell.
Cells require protein to grow them. Proteins are huge, complex, and advanced molecules that play a very important role in the body. They do most of the work inside the cells and these are required for the function, structure, and regulation of the tissues and organs of the body. In this article, you will find protein shake side effects, importance and more.
Protein is important for everyone who does workout daily, go to the gym regularly, playing sports, go for running, and many more physical activities. Protein is introduced as a macronutrient. It is one of the main nutrients that every person needs to maintain a healthy body. It supports to maintain the immune system, helps to repair the internal as well as external damage and contributes to overall wellbeing. At the same time, these are also used in transporting messages, preserving and repairing life functions, carry out the instructions of DNA and defending, etc. It is suggested that protein levels in your bloodstream need to rise in order to maximize muscle growth. But other than its benefits, you must know about protein shake side effects as well.
Protein Shake
Protein shakes are such drinks made by combining protein powder with water or some ingredients are also added with this. Most of the people don’t need daily protein requirements, but it is very important to increase the intake of your protein requirement for some reason.
You can buy the protein powder or you can make it on your own. Or else you can also purchase different brands of ready-made protein shakes that are available in the market.
Some most common types of protein powders include the followings;
1. Casein Protein
It is a type of milk protein that digests much slower than whey protein. It makes it ideal during fasting. Some brands of casein protein offer up to 60% of your RDA for calcium per scoop.
2. Rice and Pea Protein
These are the types of proteins that do not contain amino acids. But by combining them with milk, it makes a complete protein. They are low-allergenic.
Growth hormones play a vital role in the production and regulation vivo protein metabolism. GH improves protein anabolism throughout the body by stimulating protein synthesis. Sermorelin is a synthetic peptide to improve growth hormone releasing hormones. Learn more about Sermorelin and how it works.
3. Whey Protein
It is a milk protein i.e. quickly absorbed by the body, consume it before or after your workout. It also contains some bioactive proteins which may offer other health benefits.
4. Egg Protein
These are the protein powders that are made up of pure egg white protein. They digest at a medium rate and are one in all the foremost expensive supplements on the market.
5. Soy Protein
This is one of the few plant proteins which contain all the necessary amino acids which make a complete protein source for vegetarians.
Need for Protein Shakes
Here are some need of protein shakes:
1. It decreases hunger and appetite
a) Protein shake increases the level of appetite-reducing hormones such as PYY, CCK, and GLP-1, at the time of reducing hunger hormone i.e. ghrelin.
b) It is found from a study that a protein-rich breakfast helps in consuming up to 135 fewer calories late in a day.
c) On the other hand, an overweight man who had been on a diet increased their protein intake to 25% of total calories.
d) Increasing the intake of protein from 15%-30% of the total calories helped the participants to consume 441 fewer calories per day.
2. It may increase the metabolism process
A large amount of protein intake can increase your metabolism by burning more calories each day.
a) As the muscles burn more calories than fat, it can speed up the metabolism process of your body.
b) It is found from a research study that the participants are given by a combination of foods and shakes providing either 0.5 g/lbs or 1.1 g/lbs of protein per day.
c) As the number of calories required to digest or to metabolize it, protein can increase the process of metabolism. And this is known as the thermic effect of food (TEF).
3. It may help you in losing weight
a) Protein-rich foods can help you to lose more fat, especially from the belly area.
b) It is found that people on a diet providing 25% of calories as protein lost 10% more belly fat.
c) It is also found that the participants consuming more protein lost by 31 lbs i.e. 14.1 kg in 3 months, 23% more than those consuming less.
d) Participants on diets that are provided by 30% of calories from protein lost 3.7 kg more than those on diets providing 15% of calories from protein.
4. It may prevent muscle loss and metabolic slowdown
a) High protein intake can help to prevent part of this muscle loss and metabolic slowdown.
b) It is shown that the metabolism of participants decreased less on a weight loss diet providing 36% of calories as protein than on a diet about half of that amount.
c) But consuming a daily protein shake as part of a weight-loss diet may make muscle maintenance up to three and a half times more efficient.
d) It is noticed from a recent review that weight-loss diets that exceed 0.5 g/lbs of protein per day can help older adults retain more muscle and more fat.
5. It may also help to prevent weight re-gain
a) The effect of protein on metabolism, muscle mass, and appetite may also keep you from regaining the fat worked so hard to lose.
b) The high protein group regained 9% of the lost weight, while the low-protein group regained 23%.
c) It is noticed that a supplement provided only 30 grams of protein per day, once again showing that more is not necessarily better.
a) To start your day in a good way, you should take one shake per day.
b) It is good to take it before the meal, with 1 or 2 spoons of protein powder in the shake.
c) Mix the powder with water or ice or a piece of fruit in a blender is a simple way to make a delicious shake.
Side Effects
a) There are also some protein shake side effects: associated with this such as cramps, gas, bloating, and diarrhea may occur.
b) If you are drinking shakes made up of whey or casein or if you are lactose intolerant, then some side effects may occur.
c) All these symptoms may be avoided by changing to protein powders not derived from daily such as pea, soy, egg, rice, or hemp protein.
d) Moreover, low-protein diets may be beneficial for existing kidney issues.
e) The total amount of protein intakes of between 0.5-1.0 g/lbs per day provides the most beneficial effects for weight loss.
f) It may lower the blood pressure too much.
g) When it comes to soy-based protein, hormonal disruption is the major one.
h) Having a diet of protein supplement, it may push your body to the state of ketosis, where the body utilizes fat as the primary source of energy. It leads to high blood acidity levels. And that ultimately cause severe liver damage.
i) There are some heavy metals present in some protein powder which may increase the risk of having cancer. Whereas the whey protein can reduce the tumor size to prevent cancer proliferation.
j) In some cases, it is found that high-protein intake can make someone dehydrated.
k) Whey protein also increases the level of testosterone, which produces a chemical called DHT in the bloodstream. This particular chemical may often cause hair loss.