The Incidence Of Coronavirus Is Stretching To India — Here Are The 5 Symptoms Of Coronavirus
Indian scientists are currently working relentlessly to develop vaccines for Nipah and Hendra Virus and another global threat has knocked on our doors. This time, India is gonna face some serious health issues, over its citizens. After infected over 80,000 people in China, a new pandemic ‘Coronavirus’ is expanding its host range in India. It belongs to the family of viruses, causes severe acute respiratory syndromes, AKA SARS. Also, it is a human to human virus transmission.
The very first case of ‘Coronavirus’ was found in Wuhan, China at the beginning of December. The advent of Coronavirus in India has been recorded with the first case of ‘Coronavirus in Kerala’. A student has been detected the positiveness of Coronavirus in Thrissur district in Kerala. It has been reported that the patient would be kept in isolation until further orders.
As of now, the total number of COVID-19 infected people in india is 223 as the dealth toll climbd to 6 in a month. Indian health organizaion is concerned about this global emegency and applying the best in response to halt the spread of this virus in other states.
Most people in India are not aware of the deadly results of spreading this life-threatening virus. In this blog, we will enlighten you about the types of Coronavirus, Symptoms and how to fight against this‘Global Threat’.
What is Coronavirus?
Research says the virus was first recognized in the early 1960s, but no one knows about its origin. It is a belief that this name is taken from its crown-shape. Also, it is a zoonotic virus. Hence it can be found in both animals and humans.
Recently, it emerged in the wet market in China, where the lethal virus from animals has always been a big concern. The primary investigation revealed its transmission from cats to humans. Not all the ‘Coronaviruses’ are deadly for humans and circulate only in the animals and, one more thing, COVID-19 is more dangerous than any general Flu.
Here are the types of Coronavirus-
- Middle East Respiratory Syndrome
- Transmissible gastroenteritis virus
- Murine coronavirus
- SARS coronavirus
- Porcine epidemic diarrhea virus
- Miniopterus bat coronavirus HKU8
- Human coronavirus 229E
- Alphacoronavirus 1
- Mouse hepatitis virus
- Bulbul coronavirus HKU11
- Bulbul coronavirus HKU11
- Coronavirus in Dogs– This virus can infect dogs too, mainly puppies because their immune system cannot fight against this. It spreads via touch, therefore, it can be spread directly or indirectly from an infected dog.
- Coronavirus in Cats– ‘Feline Coronavirus’ often transmit between cats to humans. It also spread by touch and kittens are most likely to be infected by this virus.
Not all of the above types are deadly for humans, but precaution is better than cure, therefore, be aware of all the types of such viruses. You must know its symptoms and how to cure, in case you get infected.
5 Symptoms of Coronavirus- You Cannot Avoid in Today’s Scenario
If we take an eye on the deaths ‘Coronavirus’ has caused in previous years then it really considerable. It was firstly identified in 2012 in Saudi Arabia, taken down almost 858 people in Arab to the deathbed. After this, it gradually moved to other countries of Middle East Asia and Africa. In May 2015, few cases of Coronavirus recognized in Korea, which was the most horrible side of this virus. Before such happenings, it took 774 deaths in 2003. No case of ‘Coronavirus’ identified between the period of 2013-2015 and now its outbreak identified again in 2019 in Wuhan, China. Here is everything you need to know about ‘Coronavirus in 2020′.
Signs and Effects of Coronavirus
- Respiratory Symptoms
- Light Fever
- Cough & Cold
- Shortness of Breath and Other Breathing Difficulties
- Sore Throat
Serious symptoms of Coronavirus in case you get a serious infection
- Pneumonia
- Severe Acute Respiratory Symptoms
- Kidney Failure
All these serious signs can lead your health down which may cause life-end (Death.) You should not take anything lightly, especially cough and any type of fever because this virus is spreading rapidly. If any of your relatives and known is returning from Wuhan or any other Chinese city, then ask them to take medical checkups ASAP. Though the Indian health ministry is leaving no stone unturned to fight against this virus: But you better know some handy tips before it gets over your life.
How to fight against Coronavirus in India in 2020?
Our scientists are currently experimenting and unable to develop any vaccine for this yet. However, this virus and its signs are similar to cold, therefore, to prevent ‘Coronavirus infection, you can adopt the following tips.
- Handwash- It takes no time, but doing this can prevent the world’s biggest virus ever. All you have to do is wash your hand with warm water or an alcohol-based sanitizer.
- Use Face Mask: Cover your sense organs properly before outing.
- Stay at home if nothing is important.
- Don’t touch your nose, mouth, eyes and any other sensitive part with your filthy hands.
- Avoid any close contact with the infected people.
- Get enough bed rest
- Drink more and more liquid
- Take medicine for sore-throat and fever: But don’t without doctor’s concern: Use either ibuprofen or acetaminophen.
All you have to follow these tips to prevent ‘Coronavirus infection’. Though India has fought against several viruses in previous years: But this one is really dangerous as PM MODI adviced 9 safety tips about Coronavirus and requested citizens to stay at home and safe. Let’s take a quick look at the viruses and viral, India has encountered previously.
- Japanese Encephalitis (2005)
- Avian Influenza (2006)
- Chikungunya and Dengue (SW Indian Ocean in 2006)
- Zika Virus Infection (2017)
- Nipah Virus (2018-2019)
This graph indicates the threats are going around our heads. We are always in danger of getting infected with any deadly virus, therefore, be careful while meeting any infected person. Keep your diet healthy and avoid public gathering for a few days.
More about Coronavirus: Why You Need to Sanitize Your Phone to Prevent Coronavirus?