Terms and conditions
The terms and conditions to use this website ‘Healthstrives.com’ are mentioned as below. The content of the website such as text, images and other material contained on the ‘healthstrives’ or obtained from licensors and other information contained are for the informational purpose only. The content available on the website is not intended to be a substitute for professional medical advice, treatment or diagnosis. Always concern to your physician or any other health analyst with any question you may have regarding a medical condition. Never delay in seeking any advice to a health professional because of something you have read on our website.
Children privacy
Being the health website, we are committed to protecting the privacy of children. Users should be aware that this site is not intended or designed to entertain children under the age of 13. We have not shared any information keeping children in mind.
Use of the content
The content used on this website is protected by copyright laws. We at ‘helathstrive’ allows users to view or download a single copy of the content solely for your personal, noncommercial use if you include the copyright notice located at the end of the material. Any use of the content, besides these terms and conditions, is a breach of the contract and may violate copyright, trademark and other laws.
Content and other features of the website are subjected to change or terminate anytime without providing any notice in the editorial. All rights are expressly granted herein are reserved to ‘healthstrives’ and its licensors.
If you violate any of the above terms and conditions, your permission to use the website and its content will terminate immediately and you have to destroy all your copies immediately you have made of any of the content.
Reliance on any information available on website ‘healthstrive’, ‘healthstrive’ employees and others appearing on the site at the invitation of ‘healthstrive’ or other visitors to the site is solely at your own risk.