What Should Parents Do When They Find Toxic Chemicals in Baby Food
Babies have the most exquisite body parts and they need proper protein to grow. According to a lot of researches, babies need a large and good amount of proteins for better growth of mind and body. Most of the parents strive to give more and more items to their babies to make them strong. But according to the consumer health group, almost all baby food contains toxic chemicals.
Indeed, it can’t be possible to found any product without toxic chemicals as toxic chemicals can be found in clothing, cleaning products, makeup, plastic containers, etc. These can be bear but the most disconcerting thing is to find contaminants in babies’ food. At least, one toxic chemical is finding in babies’ food. United State’s laboratory revealed the news that 95% of the food contains one or more toxic chemicals including mercury, cadmium, arsenic, lead. And the most surprising thing is one out of four baby food contained all four heavy metals, according to the report.
Although the amount of toxic chemicals is found is small but it is noted that chemicals including arsenic, lead, and other heavy metals are known for causes neurodevelopmental harm.
From many baby’s foods, 4 of 7 rice kinds of cereal contained levels of inorganic arsenic higher than a standard of 100 parts per billion which is set by the FDA (Food and Drug Administration). Health experts advised parents to immediately switch to another alternative of rice to feed their children since rice is known to easily absorb arsenic naturally found in soil. The most effective alternative is oatmeal. Making such types of choices can remove toxin exposure by at least 80%.
Best foods for babies
It is really very typical to choose rich nutrition food for your baby among so many products presented in the market. Looking at the safe alternatives, rice-free snakes like multigrain, oatmeal cereals, banana and cucumber. If you are looking for a wide range of variety for your young child then serve a variety of vegetables to your child that contains a range of nutrients.
Other alternatives for babies’ food include fresh fruits instead of fruit juice.
Cooking in stainless steel utensils
Cooking also plays a crucial role in the baby’s food. The process of cooking food also introduced some combinations into food such as metal of equipment. So to avoid this hassle, it is advised to switch to stainless steel equipment. Most of the food manufacturing companies have either switched to stainless steel equipment or made food by hand and ended up with cold water pressure rather than heat-pasteurized in industrial facilities.
So next time when you go to buy food for your baby, try to avoid rice cereals and find the best alternative like banana, fresh fruits, oats, etc for better growth. On the other hand, parents need to be more careful while feeding their child as they are suggested to wash their hands before feeding, equipment must be clean and the food should be chemicals free.
All these activities will lead to a healthy lifestyle for your baby.
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