Hatha Yoga Poses: Expaning The Meaning & Benefits
- Shubham Goyal
- August 1, 2024
- Fitness
While there are millions of yoga poses, only 84 are relevant. In fact, not all 84 asanas have been described in an ancient manuscript, which means only a few are worthy of knowing. Yoga affects the overall body; it not only balances the physical attributes but also internally. It enhances stability and relaxes the body from the inside out. Some yoga poses improve the overall body functionality; one of them is Hatha Yoga Poses. This article will explain different hatha yoga asanas and their benefits, but first, review the basics.
Hatha Yoga: Unveil The Power Of Healing Technique
Hatha yoga is a holistic way to balance your body and mind. It is a practise of physical asanas, or yoga postures, that help calm your body, soul, and mind, leading to improved health, joy, and happiness.
The word ‘Hatha’ is explained as ‘Ha’ + ‘Tha’, which means ‘Sun’ and ‘Moon’, which collectively means balancing the sun and moon energies in your body.
Hatha yoga poses work mainly for three nadis in our body: Ida, Pingala, and Sushumna. Ida spirals up the left side of the spine and ends at the left nostril, whereas Pingala ends at the right nostril. Hatha yoga is the science of maintaining a balance between the Ida and the Pingala; on the other hand, it also activates the third nadi, which is called the Sushumna. All three Nadi, when activated, focus on enlightenment.
5 Principles Of Hatha Yoga Poses
Hatha yoga works on five principles. Combine hatha yoga asanas with the other four for maximum benefits.
- Exercise
- Breathing
- Relaxation
- Diet
- Positive Thinking & Meditation
4 Stages Of Hatha Yoga Poses
Yoga is the combination of different stages which complete hatha yoga. The four stages of hatha yoga poses are-
- Asanas | Posters
- Pranayam| Breathing Exercises
- Mudras | Body Locks
- Samadhi | Deep Relaxation
These are the essential parts of hath yoga which everyone should consider for better outcomes. However, if you practise these yoga asanas at the best yoga centres will improve your experience. So choose one and go ahead!
12 Hatha Yoga Poses: Breath, Stretch & Relax
These 12 basic poses of hatha yoga are more meaningful than just stretching your body. They activate the chakras, increase the flexibility in the spine, stimulate the immune system and strengthen each body part. These 12 basic poses of hatha yoga ensure physical fitness while bringing mental and emotional clarity. Let’s learn about the hatha yoga poses and their benefits.
1. Headstand (Sirsasana)
Among hatha yoga asanas, the headstand is a powerful exercise that requires focus, strength, and balance. Because of its comprehensive benefits, it is also known as the ‘King of all poses’.
- Improve blood circulation
- Enhance balance and stability
- Boost digestion
- Reduce stress and anxiety
- Improve focus and concentration
2. Plough Pose (Halasana)
Halasana is one of the hatha yoga poses that focuses on strengthening the spine and shoulder while calming the mind. However, it improves overall body functionality from top to bottom.
- Relieve stress
- Improve digestion
- Strengthen the core
- Enhance flexibility
- Reduce fatigue
3. Fish Pose (Matsyasana)
Matsyasana is third among the 12 basic poses of hath yoga. It is also known as the heart-opening yoga posture, which mainly focuses on heart health. It is called fish pose because it allows the yogi to float on water like a fish.
- Opens the chest and lungs
- Improve posture
- Stimulate the throat chakra
- Relieve tension in the neck and shoulder
- Eases anxiety and stress
- Alleviates respiratory issues
4. Sitting Forward Bend Pose (Paschimottanasana)
Hatha yoga poses are meant for stretching and relaxation, and paschimottanasana mainly focuses on these two things. It stretches the entire back from head to heels, promoting flexibility and relaxation. Other benefits of sitting forward bend pose are-
- Calms the mind
- Balance the solar plexus chakra
- Improve posture
- Stimulate internal organs
- Bring mental clarity
5. Cobra Pose (Bhujangasana)
Cobra pose is among the 12 basic poses of hatha yoga. It is considered among the simplest types of hatha yoga poses that involve your back and neck, and the benefits are as follows.
- Stretches the spine and abdominal muscles
- Stimulates the digestive organs
- Relieve stress and fatigue
- Improve flexibility
- Enhance blood circulation
- Boost mood
6. Locust Pose (Shalabhasana)
Named after the locust insect, the locust pose is known for strengthening and toning the back and core. It is simple and involves all the major parts of the body, from the legs to the hands and chest.
- Increase energy and vitality
- Reduce stress
- Strengthen the glutes and legs
- Stimulate digestive organs
- Strengthen the back
- Tones the core
7. Bow Pose (Dhanurasana)
When discussing hatha yoga poses, the bow pose involves bending the back to open up the front of the body and strengthen the back. However, there are several other benefits of bow pose, including-
- Opens the chest
- Boost blood circulation
- Stimulates the thyroid gland
- Improve posture and flexibility
- Strengthen the back
- Reduce stress and fatigue
8. Half Spinal Twist Pose (Ardha Matsyendrasana)
Like other hatha yoga asanas, ardha matsyendrasana is prominent for strengthening the back and improving spinal cord flexibility. While involving deep spinal twists, it also engages various other muscle groups, thus increasing its benefits.
- Increase lungs capacity
- Relieve tension
- Balance energy
- Boost circulation
- Improve posture
9. Crow Pose (Kakasana)
Crow pose, or kakasana is one of the challenging hatha yoga poses. Balancing the body weight on the hands while drawing the knees close to the upper arms is somewhat impossible for beginners. However, practice will soon make you perfect.
- Strengthen the arms and wrists
- Enhance core strength
- Improve balance and coordination
- Boost concentration
- Build confidence
- Stretches the upper back
- Increase body awareness
10. Standing Forward Bend (Pada Hasthasana)
Pada hasthasana is the easiest of the 12 basic poses of hatha yoga. In this pose, the yogi stands forward, bending, which puts pressure on the legs. This asana has numerous physical and mental benefits.
- Calms mind
- Improve concentration
- Energise the body
- Increase the blood circulation
- Relieve tension from head and shoulder
11. Triangle Pose (Trikonasana)
The triangle pose is one of the hatha yoga poses, a standing asana used in modern exercise. The benefits of trikonasana range from physical to mental and emotional. A yogi makes triangles by stretching the legs and touching the floor with one hand while the other is in the sky.
- Promote balance
- Enhance focus
- Energise the body
- Calm the mind
12. Shoulderstand (Sarvangasana)
Shoulderstand, or mother or queen of all asanas, address all the chakras and organs in your body. In this type of hatha yoga pose, the whole body is balanced on the shoulders. It is one of the oldest types of hatha yoga poses among the 12 basic asanas.
- Improve digestion
- Strengthens the shoulder and arms
- Stretches the neck and spine
- Stimulate thyroid and parathyroid glands
- Aid digestion
- Soothes the mind
- Elevate mood
Incorporating one of these 12 basic poses of hatha yoga definitely contributes to your health. However, you can easily add 2-3 hatha yoga poses to your fitness routine for better results. However, consult your doctor before altering your schedule in certain cases, like pregnancy, injuries, etc. So, embark on the fitness journey and see the notable changes!